
Al Jazeera Poultry Grandparents Company is located in El-Safawy area, 160 km away from El-Mafraq governorate. It specializes in poultry stock from the best international breeds, including the French HUBBARD Breed.It also consists of five farms with separate and complete infrastructure built on an area of 3,500 m, equipped with the latest technology of the poultry industry to ensure the best conditions in regards to heat, humidity and ventilation for growing chicks, as well as the provision of medicines and vaccines under safe conditions.

The company has a fully equipped, publically safe laboratory that contains the latest apparatus for pre-detection of diseases under the application of the highest standards of bio-security and bio-isolation. The breeding of herds of Grandparents which are breeded on the farms are imported from European markets to Jordan under the supervision of veterinarians and under international safety procedures. This allows us entry to the global market and reaches the use of artificial insemination of poultry.

The application of the highest conditions and provisions of bio-security are followed by sterilization, cleaning and public safety at the site. These procedures ensure the prevention of any external visitor’s entry to the site except for after specific isolation periods and shower procedures and laboratory tests to detect any diseases that could be transferred to poultry. In order to ensure distinctive production and safe transfer of eggs, the company uses carriers equipped to transport sterile, disease-free eggs from production farms to hatcher facilities.


Al Jazeera Grandparents Poultry Hatchery:

In order to complete the production cycle of Grandparents Company, a hatchery equipped with the best technology was established with a production capacity of 2 million mother chicks annually. In 2011, the hatchery was expanded and refurbished. Experienced engineers and veterinarians are employed to ensure that the sold are free of diseases.

Al Jazeera Poultry Company is targeting the most important local, regional and international companies seeking to obtain first class mother chicks with international production specifications, at competitive prices and the same quality available in international markets. Al Jazeera provides the highest after-sale technical support to reach the best results.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 1604 Amman, 11821 Jordan
Tel: +962 6 586 5682
Fax: +962 6 586 5942